Steam Page is Live! (+update)

The steam page with it's trailer is now set up!
If you enjoyed this demo/pre-pre-alpha, I would love it if you game the game a wishlist! Expected early access release date is in the first half of next year.

The Lizard Problem on Steam

But that's not all. I've now published another balance update to the game, making the last two waves a bit easier. (They were still too difficult I found out).

Full patch notes:

  • Added a link to steam inside the game on the game over screen and on waves 10+
  • Tweaked lizard AI and logic in order to have smoother movement and make them go closer to objects before attacking them
  • Added attack animation to lizards
  • Added a custom cursor
  • Made the random earthquake biased toward creating a level that fits the 16:9 aspect nicely
  • Balance tweaks. Gray lizard 60 -> 55 HP and reduced the amount of spawns on wave 9 and 10
  • Improved readability of the "Q" hot key letter on the next wave button
  • Made the game over state pause things like towers firing and player walk animation
  • Fixed multiple bugs
  • (Edit, extra patch 7 hours later) Fixed crash when trying to move a dead tower

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19 days ago 24 MB
19 days ago

Get The Lizard Problem

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