Experience a calming day as a grain farmer. Plant and harvest wheat with your trusty tractor while enjoying acoustic music.

If you are experiencing motion sickness, try turning of the "camera tilt" option in the menu (press esc or P to bring it up)

The game was made for the GDKO 2025 round 3 jam. Since I started late, around 30 hours before the deadline (again), I scoped small and focus on getting something polished (especially in the audio department).

If you are stuck with the tutorial boxes you first have to press W, then look around a bit, then the first screen will go away. The second one disappears once you've successfully harvested a fully grown (not green) grain.


Engine sound effect from freesound_community on Pixabay

360 background HDRI by Polyhaven

All models and textures was made by me during the 30 hour period, with an exception for the tree used on the walls which was made during the previous jam round.

I spent around 4 hours on the music, including writing the lyrics and recording my vocals (and spending 2 hours fixing and re-recording them) :D


grain_ground_windows.zip 65 MB
grain_ground_linux.zip 33 MB


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THIS IS FANTASTIC! The game itself is super relaxing and the sound effects are great! Not to mention the original song!! My jaw dropped at the creativity and execution! Extremely well done! What a game!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed my songwriting :D

(5 edits)

If anyone has trouble hearing the lyrics here they are

All ma problems are nowhere to be found

I'm just sitting here, going round and round

I got my windmill and my tractah

and my grains that I look aftah

when I harvest them I plant new seeds right away

And I need no thrills

to earn ma dollar bills

I need no fame when there's so much ground to grain

(There's also a secret unused part that you can play by pressing f when the lyrics are already playing)

Hour after hour

I spin the crank to make some flour

So my neighbors can make fresh bread every day